Welcome to May 2022

…and news, stories, upcoming events and event reviews from UnitedMind Ltd. Laughter Yoga, Laughter Yoga in London, all over the UK and elsewhere, The Laughter Club International (UK) and The Telephone Laughter Club.
UnitedMind is on the forefront with laughter, happiness and joy!
To continue receiving our news please subscribe if you haven’t already!
In May News we share the following…
- May Moment from Yours Truly
- Innovation for corporations
- Have you met us on Instagram yet?
- Second to None Benefits Part 4
- Laughter Yoga training – why now? why not?
- Laughter Yoga Teacher Reunion 2022
Important training and laughter club dates and info are listed at the end!
You can continue to enjoy reading our news on our secure site on UnitedMind.co.uk!
May Moment from Yours Truly

As May approached second by second so does the future beyond May.
Tomorrow is 1st May, a day of celebrating International Workers’ Day in Denmark which has been held in Scandinavia since 1890 and is characterised by fiery speeches, red banners, worker’s songs and no shortage of beer and coffee.
However, 1st May 2022 is also the day we celebrate World Laughter Day. A day we share laughter for World Peace.
We know if only takes one person to start the ripple effect of change heart to heart.
Wise words once spoken that there is a war going on inside us and this is manifested in the world. When we laugh we find peace within.
As within so without.
The northern hemisphere is awakening to lighter mornings, brighter evenings, and warmer days. Our vitamin depletion is swapped for energy and focused attitude with panache and bounce in our footsteps.
The plans we made maybe months ago are in fulfilment and waiting to be dispatched to complete our hopes and dreams.

We laugh and we speak louder, we skip and we play bigger, we are ready and so is the world!
Treat everyone kindly and with heart-felt care, we may not all feel summer approaching and the awakening can be slow at times, so be non-judgmental and embrace the change and the challenge me, you or someone else may experience.
We are one world!
With Love, Friendship, Honesty, Kindness, Health, Hope, Goodness, Grace, Gratitude, Understanding, Faith, Peace, Forgiveness, Patience, Diligence, Love, Blessings and Joy
Lotte Mikkelsen
Laughter Yoga Expert and Master Trainer
Innovation for Corporations

It was two years of everything thrown up in the air and turned topsy turvy. Businesses changed what they were doing in a bid to make it work. Developing strong strategies and contingency plans being rolled out.
After month of hopes that the lockdown would be shortlived we all woke up to more lockdowns and more restrictions.
The resources who were then becoming people at risk because the focal point for corporations and organisations who put their faith in their staff.
Not workplaces are placing big investments in their people, to ensure mental, physical and emotional health in people-centric organisations.
The choice of Laughter yoga as a means to promote health and wellbeing in the workplace is now made by many businesses in the UK and across the world.

We can make a huge difference to the staff motivation, productivity and the morale experience in teams, and have worked with many small, medium and large enterprises.
Our workshops are bespoke for your group of people to ensure the best joint experience and secure your return on investment when you book UnitedMind’s highly experienced, fun, passionate second to none facilitators for your event. The best in the country!
We look forward to working with you to transform any challenge you or your organisation may currently experience or simply to support your strategy for avoiding those challenges.
For information and details about our workshop and training programmes, please contact via email info@unitedmind.co.uk.
Have you met us on Instagram yet?
Instagram is where you find images, videos, tips, challenges, adverts, and a lot of other useful and remotely useful information.
The first image I shared on Instagram on 11th August 2015 was a blue sky on Crimdon Beach in North East Enland. Two months later I posted the second image with little relation to laughter but great connection with imagination.

Nowadays the channel is used for mainly laughter ideas, shares, moments, old and new UnitedMind event images and vidoes, and perhaps even the odd quote, that may inspire and call you to laughter-action.
Just like with my other social media channels, like www.youtube.com/lottemikkel which I shared in April and hope you liked, I would love to build the following as I share the relevance of laughter, play and health as the ongoing theme moving forward.
Please connect with the Instagram page on www.instagram.com/unitedmindlaughteryoga.
Please get in touch via email lotte@unitedmind.co.uk if there is Laughter-Yoga-related content you would like to see shared on the UnitedMind Laughter Yoga on Instagram.
Second to None Benefits Part 4

Often people come up to me following a workshop to ask questions and to share how the laughter had made them feel.
Although leaving space for these conversations in a laughter workshop, many people do not feel confident or comfortable asking in the group and wants a private conversation.
These moments are ALWAYS welcome and I cherish the feedback and the private shares with confidentiality.
The benefits in this month’s segment is all about how we change and how less stress follows when we breathe and laugh together regardless of our differences.
Until March 2020 I worked with a wonderful group of adults with learning disabilities and other special requirements. I had worked with them for 1.5 year on a monthly basis and they are in my heart.
They changed laughter facilitator a few times and when I first started we had to connect and build trust which for many people even without the added learning disability is a very serious matter.

Over the months our laughter relationship was embraced by us all and the connection within the group became even more supportive and genuinely joyful as the months went by.
The discussions would engage everyone and the choices of laughter exercises broadened from a few favourites to many new ones, even though we always returned to the favourites like 1-meter laughter and orchestra laughter.
I learned many things from this wonderful group and I am excited to be running monthly online sessions with them again.
Adults with learning disabilities learn confidence, improve their breathing, and through better breathing they have found that they feel less stress in the day.
Adults with learning disabilities teach greatness, letting go of hang-ups, patience and kindness.

When I ran the Rose Garden Laughter Club I had to seasons where the group from Lincolnsfield Hub joined us and it was such a joy as we always had a group of 10-12 people who would share laughter.
Not everyone had the patience and inclusivity to enjoy and there were also experiences with people joining the laughter club who left again.
The practice of Laughter Yoga teaches tolerance, and it is a practice of all-inclusiveness, non-judgment and compassion.
As facilitators we do not always know the miracles we bring to others but they are always arriving in one way or another.
As mentioned in past months, there are many more benefits to laughing and I may continue to share them with their little stories and anekdotes as we move further into spring and summer, then autumn and winter.
I hope you will continue to enjoy reading about these extensive benefits of practicing Laughter Yoga, and even consider learning the technique for yourself or your group of people in your community or workplace so you, too, can make positive, live-able change count.
For more information or to book a workshop, keynote or training please contact Lotte on on mobile/WhatsApp +44 (0) 7736341717 or email lotte@unitedmind.co.uk.
Laughter Yoga Teacher Training – why now? why not?

The world is evolving fast and lives are constantly changing.
One thing that everyone seems to always agree on is that we can all use a bit more laughter in life.
As we are not all comedians or have a well-developed sense of comic timing there is good news for us all in the category outside those two mentioned.
My sense of humour is well-developed and sometimes under- or over-active but I lack the ability to tell a joke in a funny way – or in a way where people get the ever-so-funny punch-line.
What do you do then? When the listeners all stand with a vacant expression because it simply did not land?
Well, you may do what I do or then second of the two choices. I kill the joke completely by trying to explain it when in fact I should have gone for option two, walked away.
You may also be great at telling jokes because people always laugh when you are in the zone.
I was told that William Shakespeare said, “the joke is always in the tongue of the speaker, never in the ear of the listener”.

We never know how many people laugh out of politenss.
This is why Laughter Yoga is such a powerful and even more importantly an empowering method.
It brings calm to the overthinking mind when you think you start wondering if people enjoy it, and it brings laughter where there is no joke to get.
Listen to people laughing and you know why you have a whole arsenal of experiential reactions kicking off.
Another great poet said “if we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two tongues and one ear“. Mark Twain.
Laughter connects us at times where we feel disconnect, whether we connect with others or with ourselves in this wonderful creation of deep-hearted mirth.

At the 5-day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training you deepen not only your intellectual knowledge of what Laughter Yoga is and how you achieve a group reaction, you experience the deeper level of the practice throughout the week.
You find yourself in a deep fulfilling way on your path to embody laughter fully.
As a Laughter Yoga Leader this may be your next step!
Dates and availability plus links are further down in this newsletter.
For details please contact Lotte on on mobile/WhatsApp +44 (0) 7736341717 or email lotte@unitedmind.co.uk.
Laughter Yoga Teacher Reunion

In July 2019 20 Laughter Yoga Teachers met at the first Laughter Yoga Teacher Reunion held since 2012 when I became Master Trainer and started teaching the 5-day programme.
It was an outstanding weekend of serious business, fun, play, laughter , connection and re-connection, friendship, breathing, joy, good food, great company and living fully.
If you are a Laughter Yoga Teacher in the UK trained by Dr Madan Kataria or by a certified Laughter Yoga Master Trainer you are invited to join us on 15-17 July 2022 at Felden Lodge in Hemel Hempstead.
Please book on the link above. There are only 28 rooms and many already booked.

The Laughter Club International (UK) on Zoom

The Laughter Club in St Albans is sharing laughter on Zoom on 1st Sunday every month (except August) at 1pm-1:30pm!
Please register online on https://form.jotform.com/200864136631350.
We are up to something with laughter and sharing the benefits, and we hope that you enjoy these monthly Laughter Yoga workouts.
- Sunday 1 May 2022 at 1pm-1:30pm WORLD LAUGHTER DAY
Please join on https://us04web.zoom.us/j/132683686 pw 305815
A Laughter Club is just like a fitness session and we encourage you to pay as you can to www.paypal.me/unitedmind.
Thank you for your kindness.
Please get in touch about the laughter clubs and other options via email, info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714 or mobile 07736 341 717.
The Telephone Laughter Club

The Telephone Laughter Club runs Monday to Friday at 7am to 7:10am.
Change your outlook and you will change your life!
The full story of The Telephone Laughter Club in the UK can be read on www.lottemikkelsen.com/laughter-ms.
Please subscribe and support The Telephone Laughter Club by donating the annual fee of £30 to keep it going every weekday morning from 7am-7:10am. You can subscribe via www.unitedmind.co.uk/product-category/subscriptions.
The Accredited Laughter Yoga Training
More information about the different programmes is available on
- Laughter Yoga Leader – from £195 per person
- Laughter Yoga Teacher – from £850 per person including accommodation
- Laughter Yoga Coach – from £950 per person including accommodation

UnitedMind is registered with our insurance company as a training provider which means that our certificates grant you insurance.
When you choose your training provider please make sure you check their credentials as online training methods and courses are not always covered by insurers.
FHT Accredited courses uniquely from UnitedMind Laughter Yoga and our Accredited Laughter Yoga Teachers are
- 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader Training
- 5-day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training
- 1-day Laughter Yoga Coach Training
- Laughter Therapist Training
With accreditation we are taking Laughter Yoga seriously and we are bringing the standards to another level of nationwide approval within the education system.
This is continued professional development and gives you points to add to your CPD list!
To learn more about how you can become a Laughter Yoga Leader or Teacher please contact Lotte on mobile/WhatsApp +44 (0) 7736341717 or email lotte@unitedmind.co.uk.
UnitedMind teaches Laughter Yoga courses in the following locations:
- Accredited Laughter Yoga Leader Training
This training is a requirement for becoming a Laughter Yoga Teacher- London, St. Albans, Preston, Durham, Online
- Your venue, your group – minimum 4 people
- Accredited Laughter Yoga Teacher Training
This training is a requirement for becoming a Laughter Yoga Coach- Hemel Hempstead
- Your venue, your group – minimum 4 people
- Accredited Laughter Therapist Training
- Hemel Hempstead, Stanmore
- Accredited Laughter Coach and Certified Gibberish Coach Training
- Online
- Your venue, your group – minimum 4 people
Accredited Laughter Yoga Leader

The 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader Training runs on the following dates and venues (full details are listed on www.unitedmind.co.uk/training/laughter-yoga-leader/):
- 05-06 May 2022 Laughter Yoga Leader Preston £195 FULL
- 18-19 June 2022 Laughter Yoga Leader London £195
- 10-11 September 2022 Laughter Yoga Leader St Albans £195
- 15-16 October 2022 Laughter Yoga Leader London £195
- 19-20 November 2022 Laughter Yoga Leader Durham £195
- 03-04 December 2022 Laughter Yoga Leader London £195
- More dates in 2021 and 2022 are listed on www.unitedmind.co.uk/training/laughter-yoga-leader/
- Your workplace or with your group at dates to suit you!
12-hour Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training Online – click to choose your dates:
- Tuesday 03, 10, 17, 24 May 2022 at 7pm-9:30pm
- More dates in 2022 are listed on www.unitedmind.co.uk/product-category/training/4-week-online-laughter-leader-training/
Accredited Laughter Yoga Teacher

The 5-day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training runs on the following dates and venues (full details are listed on www.unitedmind.co.uk/training/laughter-yoga-teacher/) solely provided by UnitedMind in the UK since 2012:
- 11-15 July 2022 in Hemel Hempstead residential £850 FULL
- 31 October-04 November 2022 in Hemel Hempstead residential £850
- 10-14 July 2022 in Hemel Hempstead residential £850
- More dates on www.unitedmind.co.uk/training/laughter-yoga-teacher/
Fees for residential training are including accommodation.
Feel free to enquire about special offers at any time.
Accredited Laughter Yoga Coach
The 1-day Laughter Yoga Coach Training for Laughter Yoga Teachers runs online on the following dates (full details are listed on www.unitedmind.co.uk/training/laughter-yoga-coach-cpd/):
Or you can book your 8-week One On One Laughter Coaching Programme and get closer to your real laughter through the practice of Laughter Yoga exercises.
Accredited Laughter Therapist
The 2-day Laughter Therapist Training is only the beginning of the 6-12 months programme (full details on www.unitedmind.co.uk/training/laughter-therapist/)
Accredited Gibberish Coach
The 1-day Gibberish Coach Training for Laughter Yoga Leaders and Teachers runs on the following dates (full details are listed on www.unitedmind.co.uk/training/gibberish-coach/):

All fees listed in the newsletter are early bird fees available until one month before training dates and excluding travel and accommodation costs unless otherwise stated. Other deals may be available as well as special agreements with companies and organisations who wish to train teams and individuals in their workplace.
If you want to be sure to get a place on the course of your choice please book now in the UnitedMind Online Shop.
For more information about accredited training courses please contact us via info@unitedmind.co.uk, phone 0800 1214 714, or mobile 07736 341 717.