Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK


Laughter Yoga in the Workplace

With Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

The benefits of laughter become the benefits of a growing and successful business.

Workplaces all over the world introduce Laughter Yoga to their staff because of its strong team building and stress management elements.

The Laughter Yoga tools and techniques provide companies and organisations with powerful, cutting-edge operational benefits.

Corporate Laughter
Happy People

Corporate Laughter Yoga Workshops

The obvious choice for workplace improvement

It is bold to engage your staff in Laughter Yoga workshops and programmes, however the pay-off is outstanding.

The Competitive Advantage

Undoubtedly one of the most empowering tools for personal and professional development today as laughter is available to everyone and anyone.

Brought together in a combination of breathing techniques and laughter exercises the method has the capability of bringing about long-lasting change resulting in the areas listed below.

Laughter Yoga offers an exceptional improvement in the capacity for coping with life and work:

Improving Workforce Performance For Teams & Individuals

Corporate Benefits of Laughter Yoga:

Workplace Choice

Organisations all over the world introduce Laughter Yoga to their staff because of its strong team building and stress management element.

Results of recent research indicate that employees in Laughter Yoga programmes become better colleagues.

Staff Changes

The workforce becomes

  • become more committed
  • learn more easily
  • improve motivation
  • improve their inter-personal skills
  • and overall the workplace becomes a happier, and at the same time more productive, place

The Principle

Laughter Yoga is easy and is for everyone

  • Anyone can laugh without a sense of humour, jokes or comedy
  • You can train the body and mind
  • It is cost effective and less time consuming
  • You benfit even when you pretend

Laughter Therapy & Emotional Wellbeing

Laugher Quote

I believe that laughter is a powerful tool in increasing our wellbeing: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. That is why it helps us to be more authentic, and because we are more authentic. we are naturally more creative and successful.

How We Have Improved Businesses Like Yours!

Testimonials of Businesses we have helped

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