Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK

Communication Skills

Laughter Yoga is a tool for creating enjoyable and creative communication at all times.

A light-hearted approach to work and better relationship to colleagues can be some of the outcomes of using the Laughter Yoga techniques at work.

Anyone can communicate powerfully without inappropriate language and manners.

Working with Laughter Yoga and Gibberish encourages great confidence and clearer communication. In the end it all makes perfect sense…

For further details and information about tailored programmes focusing on developing communication skills in the workplace or information about Laughter Yoga and laughter training please contact us.

Happy Yoga

contact us for all your Workplace Wellbeing queries

happy people clapping - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

For further details and price information on any of the services offered please complete the form or contact us via email, phone, or social media as listed on this page.

Laughter Yoga, Gibberish & Communication

In order to counteract stress and promote powerful communication Laughter Yoga provides a perfect exercise routine that is guaranteed to change the frame of mind of anyone practicing.

It induces unconditional laughter through the dynamics in the group and through childlike playfulness which is encouraged throughout the exercises.

Laughter Yoga enables people to communicate better and express their emotions freely.

Since Laughter Yoga is an instant stress buster, it generates positive feelings and helps alleviate negative thoughts and thought patterns. It is completely

  • GM free
  • caffeine free
  • sugar free
  • GREAT VALUE for money
  • totally natural – yet does not deplete the Earth’s natural resources
coaching session - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

Benefits of our Communication & Presentation Skills Services

Learn how to communicate powerfully and get your message across without creating conflicts – Laughter yoga and Gibberish may be the answer to your communication challenges.

An opportunity to learn from one of the UK’s Laughter Ambassadors and the Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Lotte Mikkelsen of UnitedMind Ltd.

The Gibberish Workshop is targeted at those want to develop new presentation techniques as well as improve their communication skills.

UnitedMind provides an empowering and fun workshop based on extensive experience and high-level training based on many years experience in teaching various forms of communication skills using a variety of tools.

For further details and information about our Laughter programmes and laughter training please contact us.

How We Have Improved Businesses Like Yours!

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