Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK


Workshops for Health and Happiness

With Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen

When you laugh you change! When you change the whole world changes!

Laughter therapy and Laugther Yoga workshops are a really good way for for individuals as well as teams in organisations or private groups to find out how to incorporate laughter into life or to get a taste of what Laughter Yoga is about prior to deciding for a Laughter Yoga Training course.

Any of the open workshops offered by UnitedMind can be tailored to suit organisational requirements for further professional development within the public and private sectors.

A Laughter Workshop is a great motivational structure for everyone!

Corporate Laughter

Benefits of our Workplace Wellbeing Services

Laughter Yoga is a key-ingredient in all of our workshops and training programmes.

However, each workshop introduces specific techniques and details relating to the theme of the workshop, e.g. performance, fun, stress management, team building, improved communication, health impact etc.

The incredible benefits include:

Happy People

Laughter Alone Workshop

Laugh your way to success!

When things are flowing and life is jolly good laughter is readily available – but how do you laugh when you are faced with troubled and challenging times? Practicing Laughter Yoga regularly creates psychological and physiological changes that enables you to tackle stressful situation with a smile on your face.

Laughter Science

Get rid of the fixed expression created by seriousness and get your laughter lines firmly ground into your face. January is often a month full of seriousness following the jolly season’s extravaganza. Join us at this workshop where you will experience your face in different folds.

happy laugh 2 - Corporate Laughter Yoga Training & Workshop Specialists in the UK | Corporate Wellness & Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Trainings & Workshops in London UK with Laughter Yoga Expert Lotte Mikkelsen
Happy People

Breath Awareness

Life Energy Workshop

Many people suffer from anxiety, asthma, low stamina, panic attacks and other challenges related to both the physiological and the psychological effects of poor breathing. In this workshop we explore ways in which breathing becomes a source of health and longevity. It is essential to life and to successfully performing tasks to have fresh oxygen circulating.

Workshops to Benefit Your Business Skills

For Start-Up or Improvement of Your Business with Laughter Yoga

Communication Tech

Learn how to communicate powerfully and get your message across without creating conflicts. Gibberish may be the answer to your communication challenges even if it sounds like a lot of nonsense.

Learn from Lotte Mikkelsen who trained in nonsense  in 2011.

Business Experts

The purpose of the Business Experts Programme is to assist facilitators to obtain and maximise commercial opportunities that are available.

You are able to access the  real-life expertise and experience in setting up and running a successful and sustainable business.

Presentation Skills

Becoming a great Laughter Facilitator requires skills and techniques.

When you learn Laughter Yoga in 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader and Laughter Facilitator courses there is often a gap between being excited and being ready to roll out a big corporate laughter workshop plan.

How We Have Improved Businesses Like Yours!

Testimonials of Businesses we have helped

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