Welcome to March 2013
…and news from UnitedMind Ltd., Laughter Yoga Ltd., Gibberish Communications Ltd., and The Laughter Club International (UK).
Our newsletter is a combination of news, stories and upcoming events. We hope you will enjoy our content on a monthly basis, and look forward to seeing you on courses and training, workshops, Laughter Clubs or other laughter events.
Please also feel free to follow the scribbles about laugh life and life in general on The Laughter Blog.
Information in this newsflash about
- UnitedMind.co.uk renewed life and layout!
- Laughing with Headway in Bedford
- Laughter Yoga Leader Training – OUTSIDE!
- Online Laughter Club and Laughter Playground
- Laughter Yoga Training – a reminder…
And just to mention
- Dr. Madan Kataria’s Message to Lotte Mikkelsen of UnitedMind
- Laughter Training Matrix – choose the right training
- The Laughter Club in 2013 in St. Albans – hope to see you there
- UnitedMind’s Online Shop – products, services, subscriptions
www.UnitedMind.co.uk – lemon aid to the rescue!
UnitedMind’s website has undergone an overhaul and come up with a new design. I hope you will find it easier to locate different types of information.
There is still a lot of information and wordy content, however, this is what the site is about; providing information for everyone to make choices of laughter training, workshop, product or subscription.
Furthermore, the information about laughter and its healing properties in relation to Alzheimer’s Disease, Cancer, M.E., MS and Parkinson’s Disease is now easy to find.
In addition, UnitedMind takes a stand in the community and supports organisations in bringing health and happiness to all people, information about this is also easily available.
There are links to some of UnitedMind’s other websites, World Laughter Day UK, Gibberish Communications Ltd., Staff Laugh, as well as this Newsletter and The Laughter Blog.
Please feel free to comment, question, discuss, praise, critic or any feedback.
Laughter Therapy with Headway in Bedford

The training programme running with Headway in Bedford is a Regency Training Foundation project which is run by Patricia O’Malley, Founder.
The programme is set over six weeks and covers
- Confidence building
- Communication skills
- Laughter therapy
- Anger management
- Stress and anxiety busting
- Time and money management
I am excited to be running the first Laughter Session with the head injury group in Bedford and look forward to working with Headway and The Regency Training Foundation on future community projects.
Our work support the local councils’ strategy for healthier, happier people in our communities. The key areas of focus are outlined on the page, In the Community.
Please get in touch to discuss our community programmes and partnerships on info@unitedmind.co.uk.
Outdoor Laughter Yoga Leader Training – in the UK!
Every year on the first Sunday of May we celebrate World Laughter Day and this year we make the weekend a celebration with the 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader Training.
We start the usual time, at 10am on Saturday 4th May and the training culminates in a World Laughter Day Celebration with graduation of new Laughter Yoga Leaders.
As a first time experiment where weather may have a huge impact on the outdoor activities, the course is offered at a very special rate of £100. Don’t worry alternative plans for the successful running of both training as well as World Laughter Day are already in place.
Although I am an optimist, I have also become rather familiar with the temperamental British weather.
The training can be booked in the UnitedMind Online Shop.
To learn more about the Laughter Yoga Leader and Laughter Yoga Teacher Training Programmes provided by UnitedMind please get in touch on email, info@unitedmind.co.uk.
Online Laughter Club and Laughter Playground
The Online Laughter Club kicked off first time in July 2011 but has since then been less active than anticipated in the first place. This is now changing!
The Online Laughter Club will be a laughter playground for anyone who wish to log on and have a laugh with other like-minded laughter enthusiasts. As it is a playground, anyone is welcome to facilitate a few laughs with only one limitation, no jokes are allowed…
Every Tuesday from 8pm to 7pm the online space will be open for anyone to laugh and bring their friends, family, colleagues or other people online.
Full details are listed on the Online Laughter Club page.
Laughter Training – change your life!
If you are looking for a truly inspirational and potentially life changing experience for yourself, your friends, your family or your team at work, then the Laughter Yoga Training may be just what you would benefit from.This is where positive transformation and life changes happen!
The two day Laughter Yoga Leader Training has a defined structure to it in order to teach participants and enable them to run Laughter Clubs, Laughter Workshops and Laughter Alone sessions – or simply access laughter more freely in own life.
The feedback from participants is amazing and touching and I agree with Dr. Madan Kataria, Founder of the Laughter Yoga Movement, in saying, ‘I am a great teacher because I have great students’.
There are many opportunities to learn Laughter Yoga both the Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher Training and the vast number of excellent workshops such as Breathing Business, Laughter Alone, Laughter Coaching and many more.
Most trainings and workshops are ideal to bring into workplaces for teams and management groups, as well as for individuals.
- 5-day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training £550 per person, 2 for £800
- 2-day Laughter Yoga Leader Training £175 per person, 2 for £300
- And other special deals on the UnitedMind Online Shop
All fees are excluding travel and accommodation costs. Other deals may be available as well as special agreements with companies and organisations who wish to train teams and individuals in their workplace. Online booking available here.
Laughter Yoga impacts all areas of life and brings balance into perceptions, views, stress, challenges, mismatched communication, perfomance, teamwork, confidence, trust, exclusion and inclusion, absenteeism and many other daily challenges we face as individuals and in the workplace.
During the intensive training participants venture into a world of laughter, improvisation, breathing, mindfulness, team building, stress management, visioning, confidence boosting and lots of fun.
Through the programme people grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and it can be difficult to quite grasp the impact this training has on life outside the training room.
The Laughter Yoga Teacher Training is not just for people who want to teach Laughter Yoga or run workshops and events, this training is for individuals, couples and teams who want to excel in life and at work, in family, with colleagues and among friends.
Some of the feedback from the trainings:
Laughter Yoga Teacher Training in 2013
- 15-19 July in Hemel Hempstead
- 2-6 September in Durham City – only 2 spaces left!
- 4-8 November in Hemel Hempstead
To learn more about the Laughter Yoga Teacher Training, uniquely provided by UnitedMind in the UK, please contact us on email, info@unitedmind.co.uk.